Neurofeedback in Schools
Maximizing attention and concentration in school can help children enhance their academic performance. Overall cognitive performance is improved through more efficient neuronal regulation. Research has shown that neurofeedback has been able to help children with ADHD and Learning Disabilities to improve their academic performance.
Helping Children Succeed in School and with Peers
ADHD has historically been treated primarily with psychostimulant medications combined with behavior modification and family therapy. Some children do not respond well to the psychostimulant medications and/or their parents are concerned about their children taking the medications.
Recent research has shown that the EEG phenotypes associated with ADHD vary, thus explaining the differential response to medications. Neurofeedback offers a non-invasive, safe alternative that may allow for medication to be reduced or eliminated all together. Neurofeedback has also been shown to help individuals with Dyslexia and other Learning Disabilities. In many cases, it is ideal to combine Neurofeedback interventions with psychotherapy to maximize treatment gains. Additional studies have also showed promise for the use of neurofeedback to help children with Autism, Asperger’s Disorder, and Pervasive Developmental Disorders.
Clinical Improvements associated with neurofeedback for ADHD, LD and ASD have included:
- Increased Attention/Concentration and Impulse Control
- Better Performance in School; Higher IQ testing scores
- Improved Communication and Social Functioning
- More Stable Emotional and Behavioral Regulation Control
- Decreased Hyperactivity
- Improved Sleep, Memory, Sensorimotor Functioning and Spatial Awareness